Saturday, 8 December 2012

Hayley and Jeff Wedding

So a couple weeks ago, in the middle of days of rain, one weekend dawned bright and sunny, with not a cloud in the sky. Luckily this happened to be the "big day" for my two friends Jeff and Hayley, for whom I was photographing every single second. Surrounded by green hills and tranquil countryside we all gathered for the most beautiful wedding overlooking the dam.  Family, friends, and horses... here's a little sample of what went down that weekend...

Monday, 17 September 2012

Darren and Cayleigh Engagement Shoot

Okay yes this post is waaaaaay overdue!! Did an awesome engagement shoot a little while ago with two beautiful people! The order of the day was chilled beach vibes and lots of helium balloons!! It also happened to be the windiest day of the year!! But we made it work for us :)

Sunday, 19 February 2012

The Circle of Life

Hello again, it has been far too long since my last post. Shameful! However I have some beautiful photos for you to see. My friends have just had the most beautiful little baby boy and lucky me got to photograph him last weekend. Two weeks old and definitely the most beautiful baby I have ever seen! Here is a peak at some of the photographs I took for them.